The overhauling of the UNIZ power hacksaw is finished and the saw is cutting steel again 😄. In the next picture you can see the new electrical controls that are working really smoothly:
The new electrical controls for Unix saw Here you have another picture of the saw while cutting bar:
The Uniz hacksaw while cutting a steel bar
The work on the UNIZ 14" power hacksaw goes on! Almost all the elements are now cleaned, adjusted ans painted again. Most of the parts are reassembled again and the saw begins to show its best.
The saw comes without its singular switch. In some weeks we will begin the work with the electrical wiring. The main target will be to overhaul its electrical system using a more conventional micro-switch and relay scheme.
The work on the power hacksaw is slowly moving forward. The saw was completely disassembled and cleaned. It was really dirty, full of chips and old grease. Just to show the state, look at the cutting fluid tank absolutely full of chips. The last owner shouldn’t be very proud of it…
An extremly dirty cutting fluid tank of the hacksaw After disassembling, the general state observed is good enough for a maybe 50 or 60 years old saw.
This Feb 21 we have been in Juncosa (Les Garrigues) to buy an old Uniz power hacksaw. This is the smaller of several Uniz saws. It is labeled as 14in and has a 160mm cutting capacity on round bills. Built in the Basque country around the 60’s, the company ceased time ago. The saw is really sturdy with a weight of more than 300 kg. It was kindly transported by my brother Jordi.