I was obsessed with those beautiful optional tailstocks built by Leinen that appear in the lathe parts catalog. An intense surveillance in ebay has given some partial results. The first attempt achieved this nice capstan-handle tailstock that admits the 25 mm 363E collets: However, although the tailstock is in pretty good condition (just cosmetic issues) it is not appropiate to the Leinen LZ4SB dimensions. It shares the 130mm center height but the bed dimensions are not the same.

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Light up the Lathe

An old Waldmann WD 306 luminaire is added to the Boley Leinen lathe. The luminaire is nowadays old but it is still a very good design. Can be found at a reasonable price and, after servicing it, make a very good value for money.

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The Boley Leinen collets have been a controversial issue. Sometimes difficult to find in a good condition but available time to time. There are no public Boley Leinen information about the right collets to be used. This poses some questions that owners are solving as the time goes. This post shows what collets are and features the most interesting information about them.

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An unusual software engineer working on dirty and greasy machines
