An interesting machine any workshop needs is a tool grinder. In the net it’s possible to find information about many home made tool grinders (or tool grinding gigs). Most of the designs have known names related to the design author. This blog entry is the result of collecting some of the designs to build a small tool grinder for the workshop. Any suggestion about a missing design will be considered ;-).

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Lightning the lathe

The Boley Leinen lathe acquired a new attachment: an old Waldmann but serious machine lamp (WD 306). I got the lamp from a ebay bid and replaced some of the components that where worn by the use. It was a surprise to discover that Waldmann served the spare parts with no problems although we are facing a really old model. Great! Here there are a picture of the lamp in place.

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Some days ago Sam Kowalski, a happy owner of a Boley-Leinen laths asked me for the dimensions of the collet’s drawbar. He is posting some nice pictures of his lathe restoration here. Sam, here you have a handmade sketch of the drawbar ;-). Don’t hesitate to ask for more details if needed.

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Before and after Before: After: Some pictures of the lathe After more than a year of investing time in the great Boley-Leinen LZ4SB lathe, the following pictures show the result:

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The Leinen LZ4SB lathe cabinet has a drawer that is usually used to store the collets set. This requires to make a wood support to organize the set. I want also to store some usual tools: some live and dead centers and the wrenches needed to operate the lathe. I begin by cutting a couple of plywood pieces to the approximate size of the drawer. I glue them to obtain a thicker plywood support.

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The Leinen LZ4SB leadscrew is supported by two bearings. One of them, the corresponding to the adjusting end, has been eroded maybe for a deficient lubrication. This need to be faced again to recover the bearing surface. We plan to do that using a boring head on the milling machine. To support the part in an orthogonal position first an adjusting stud is turned in a lathe. This will guide the bearing when clamped to the table.

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I got them Yesterday I acquired an almost complete set of collets for the Leinen lathe. It was achieved through a rather unusual offer in german ebay. After an year following ebay and other forums looking for Leinen collets last week I found an almost complete set in very good condition and including the draw bar. It was really an incredible discovery. I found no traces of leinen collets during a year and suddenly it appeared an entire set of them.

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The two speed driver of the lathe runs in an oil bath. Two plugs let to replace the oil when needed. We made two operations with them: Adding a neodymium magnet to the draining plug to let it to catch the debris. The magnet is a counterbored ring bought at Aimangz. The magnet was screwed to the internal part of the plug. The plus are in a difficult position to be tightened.

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An unusual software engineer working on dirty and greasy machines
