Some time ago I found somewhere a very interesting Deckel technical notice about how to work with the slotting head on an universal milling machine. I guess it could be of general interest and thus I share it: Deckel Butlletin technique 2/72: «Travaux de mortaisage sur machines FP»

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Because of reasons, I needed to cross drill some shafts with some weird diameters. I own an old imperial Reglus drilling jig but I didn’t have the required bushings. I decided to make some of them. This post shows how drilling bushings where made.

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This is the post that closes the mechanic works on the Wörner B13. Now remains to do some final testing, some woodworking to take profit of the supporting structure and to mount the electrical controls. These will be the next steps. There are a couple of pictures of the finished machine:

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This is how the drilling machine return spring looks when I opened the cover: A previous owner did a not very successful repair and modified the internal attachment of the spring. As a result, spring was badly deformed and have a unusual feeling during the descent. I extracted it by pulling it out of the cup and then giving it a quarter turn to free the external end from its attachment (it has a rectangular shape as you will see next).

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The drilling press was modified by a previous owner. As it can be seen in the picture below, someone added an intermediate pulley in the driving train to reduce the rotation speeds. What was the motor pulley became the intermediate pulley and a new single step pulley was fitted to the motor shaft. I have some doubts about the origin of this variation: would it be made at the Wörner factory after a specific requirement by a client?

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An unusual software engineer working on dirty and greasy machines
