The first tests done when machine arrived at the workshop discovered an issue on the geometry of the ram —Y axis—. The ram has a sensible play in some positions that can be measured when moving it on the Y axis. This will be one of the most interesting problems to repair during this rebuilding.

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Storage drawer cabinets

The last summer I spent some time to design and make some cabinets to store my material under the worktable. I had no time to report about before. In this post I will show some details.

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Klaiber Ws2 Platform

I made a solid platform from welded steel profiles to allow the Klaiber to be carried by a manual pallet truck. I left some images just for others inspiration 😄.

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Foundry Works 1

During the last months I’ve been helping Luke Rickert —of Elisenberg Engineering— to move forward a foundry project. I had a limited experience on foundry business that comes from the rebuilding of a cabinet saw and Luke’s project became a really interesting experience.

All begins when Luke asked me about foundries in Catalonia. He currently lives in southern France and he is really close to catalan speaking lands.

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An unusual software engineer working on dirty and greasy machines
